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Do Right Rhymes

Children's Book and Music


Do Right Rhymes is a delightful collection of 30 original teaching rhymes with illustrations that are sure to educate and entertain children of all ages. It’s lyrical qualities are reminiscent of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein.

The book is an excellent way to teach your children about personal subjects like picking boogers, burping and flushing the toilet as well as cleaning up their rooms, brushing teeth and not telling lies.

From polite behavior to hygiene, these fun, rhythmic poems are sure to make your little one want to “Do Right”.


Listening to Do Right Rhymes Songs is fun and entertaining for both children and adults.

You’ll hear a wide variety of musical styles addressing sensitive subjects like picking boogers, burping and flushing the toilet. Your children will also learn to establish good habits like cleaning up their rooms, brushing their teeth and not telling lies.

This full collection of 30 songs will soon have everyone singing along and wanting to “Do Right!”



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